Independence Day Activities 1st Oct 09 at CCA,Lagos
Whilst the country continues on in auto-pilot mode in the absence of any visible leadership, we at CCA,Lagos celebrated 49 years of Independence of our beloved country. The turnout was incredible, hosting a full house of the literati, art students, visual artists, gallery owners and visiting curators. A very mixed crowd indeed making for an charged but diverse conversation about art and literature in Nigeria and within a wider context.

Board Chair CCA,Lagos Joke Jacobs, Artist Kainebi Osahenye and Bisi Silva

Looks like YabaTech students in the audience. (pic 1)
Kainebi Oshahenye during his gallery talk. Dutch curator Jelle Bouwhuis of SMBA.(Pic 2)

Jess Castellote, Bisi Silva, Author Toni Kan, CCA,Lagos Board Chair Joke Jacobs

Cross Section of the audience.

Cross section of Audience. Bisi Silva flogging exhib catalogue as Antawan laughs on.

Adeyinka of Tafeta, Bisi Silva and artist Ndidi Dike. (pic1)
Artist/Lecturer Mike Omoighe talking to Giles Peppaiat of Bonhams (pic2)

Cross section of Audience. Richmond Ogolo Artistis and VP of
Art Galleries Assoc. Of Nigeria(AGAB) making a statement.

Board Chair CCA,Lagos Joke Jacobs, Artist Kainebi Osahenye and Bisi Silva

Looks like YabaTech students in the audience. (pic 1)
Kainebi Oshahenye during his gallery talk. Dutch curator Jelle Bouwhuis of SMBA.(Pic 2)

Jess Castellote, Bisi Silva, Author Toni Kan, CCA,Lagos Board Chair Joke Jacobs

Cross Section of the audience.

Cross section of Audience. Bisi Silva flogging exhib catalogue as Antawan laughs on.

Adeyinka of Tafeta, Bisi Silva and artist Ndidi Dike. (pic1)
Artist/Lecturer Mike Omoighe talking to Giles Peppaiat of Bonhams (pic2)

Cross section of Audience. Richmond Ogolo Artistis and VP of
Art Galleries Assoc. Of Nigeria(AGAB) making a statement.
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